Looking for non-emergency assistance but don't know where to call?
2-1-1 is an easy to remember FREE telephone number that connects callers to a specialist who can assess the caller's needs and link the caller to the right service/services using a comprehensive database of services, whether federal, state, local government, faith based or non-profits.
Benefits to 2-1-1 Users:
- 2-1-1 is efficient, fast and easy to use
- One call gives you access to resources across your community
- No more wrong numbers means no more wasted time trying to find help
- 2-1-1 maintains the integrity of the 9-1-1 system—reserving the 9-1-1 system for life and death emergencies
2-1-1 has the capability to link people in need of assistance with various types of services such as:
- Basic Human Needs: food banks, clothing, shelter, rent & utility assistance and more.
- Physical & Mental Health: health insurance programs, Medicaid, Medicare, maternal health, children's health insurance plans, crisis intervention services, support groups, counseling, drug & alcohol rehabilitaion, victims services and more.
- Employment Support: Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), financial assistance, job training, transportation assistance and eduactional programs
- Support for Seniors and People with Disabilities: adult day care, activity centers, Meals on Wheels, home health care, transportation, specialized services and more
- Support for Children, Youth and Their Families: advocacy, empowerment, child care, after school programs, family resource centers, summer camps, recreation programs, mentoring, tutoring, and more.
- Disaster Aid: Find shelter, food distribution centers, state and federal assistance, volunteer opportunities, emergency financial assistance and more.
If you need assistance, please dial 2-1-1. Not working correctly? Try 1-888-421-1266.
You may also visit their website https://www.wiregrass211.com/ to view their online resource directory or chat with a call specialist